Friday, December 27, 2013

Just a Little Bit, Just to See How it Feels.

Seasons Greetings,

   Here I hang at Maple Fuels in Maple Falls to bring to "you" the things that I do do. As you may have thought that I was going to college, I pulled your leg and arm and gave you a tittie twister because I AM NOT! HAHAHHAHHA YA FOOLS! Well, I am, just not in January. So it seems our wonderful goverment doesn't want to give this 23 year old independent male any grants for college. So, I am just not going to try and figure student loans out until the 4th quarter or possibly next fall. Which means... THAT I AM GOING TO SHRED SNOWBOARDING ALL WINTER AND YOU SHOULD TOO!
   Things that are on my chest that need to be off my chest include but are not related to scuba-drifting:
1. Working on Christmas...
   That is basically it, no one wants to, but I did... Sure, I got a bonus of 20 bucks and 20 dollar gift certificate and won a helmet that is too big for my noggin and I happily handed it off to a friend in need, it still doesn't account for my having to work that hard and deal with all those hungry people. Needless to say, I had a good Christmas that was filled with laughs and friends. I did (and do) feel bad for missing my first family christmas, but they know I was there in spirit. To everyone I normally see on that Merry day, please know that I'll do my best to be there next year!
   What is life on the mountain like? Well, I work in a cooler version of a fast food restaurant and listen to a mix of dance and rap music... I get to snowboard (sometimes). There is a snow igloo that is getting so BAA DASS that Nate slept in it the other night. Pretty much just hang out and laugh, even when I work. Though, yesterday at work I asked someone if they wanted Orange Milk with their chicken nuggets... We don't have orange milk... Also, I watched a kid cough at me and I felt like I was going to be sick, because he looked pale and deathly. Then, two minutes later, he fainted and started crying... and all his dad did was say "HE IS FINE, HE JUST NEEDS THIS LEMONADE AND CHICKEN NUGGETS!" I fear for that poor boy, getting aids or herpes and just remedying it with rub on chicken nuggets dunked in lemonade his whole life. Poor fellow. On the upside, I am not sick.
   I got a newer pair of used boots, ya know, instead of the 96' Airwalks... Along with those sick Burton Boots, I have a new "used" helmet that has already come in handy. I was also gifted a sweet pair of bindings for when I stumble upon a sweet snowboard. Looks like I am rad rad rad ready! My learning curve is taking its "super happy fun time" where you have to go really fast before you fall. Makes for faster learning and faster turning.
   What else to tell the few people that read this? Life is good, I am happy, I am full, and I am alive. The mountain is a whole different style of life and I feel I've only just dipped my toes in. Come Jan. I feel like the new year will bring leaps of enjoeyment, hopefully for everyone! Without further adieu I am going to buy a case of beer. "Smooches and Farts"- A Hero of mine once said.

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